Erich Fromm

Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.'

Dr. Seuss

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”

George Carlin

“The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.”

C. JoyBell C.

“If you want to forget something or someone, never hate it, or never hate him/her. Everything and everyone that you hate is engraved upon your heart; if you want to let go of something, if you want to forget, you cannot hate.”

Marilyn Monroe

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”

Monday, December 2, 2013

Friday, November 15, 2013

Feeling Determined.-

When I was a kid my parents used to say 'WTF are you doing be like him do something.' But now their parents are like 'WTF you're doing be like him do something.'

I don't want to show off here but knowing this that all my work has not gone in vain make me want to work more even with more focus. The time has just started a lot more to prove ahead especially those who lacked faith in me /m\
#Himanshu Teotia

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Pleαse Return My Hαppıness ?

ㄖIı αm So Busy To Improve Myself So Iı Don't Hαve Tıme Crıtıcıze Others .
αs Iı Thınk In Thıs Smαll 'Lıfe' When we Hαve Very Lımıted Tıme To Love♡ How Do The People αrrαnge Tıme For Hαtred. So Iı Just wαnt To Sαy Thαt Eαch '&&' Every Person  In Thıs world αre Lıvıng To Dıe So Before Dyıng Spreαd Enormous Love♥ αnd Peαce★ whıch wıll Mαke you Immortal.[♚] Becαuse Iı αm sufferıng from α phαse where No One[✗] Is Stαndıng wıth Me Becαuse Of My Own fαult  So Just Request To Hold Those Person Who Reαlly Loves Or Cαre αbout You

Becαuse Thαt Pαrtıculαr Person Completes Your Lıfe
Iı Hαve Leαrn αll Thıs From Lαst One Yeαr So Iı αm Shαrıng wıth You αll αnd Iı wαs, Iı αm '&&' Iı αlways wıll be sorry To That Person whom Iı Heαrted. Hope God[†] αnd Thαt Partıcular Person wıll ForGıve Me For The Sαme.
And Fınαlly Iı αm A Person Hαvıng Non Hαppıness αlthough I am full of Luxurıes αnd Comforts — && αt Lαst Iı Wαnt To Beg God[†] Thαt

Pleαse Return My Hαppıness-| ? |-


Thursday, October 10, 2013

>Ii Hope Yew Are HAPPY Iin The END -


I think that the only reason people hold on to memories so tight is because memories are the only things that don't change; when everybody else does.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Your Love Give's me Wing's To Fly!!

When Ever You Put Your Arm's Around, My Feet Cant Seem To Touch The Ground, And I Promise To Love You You Till The Day, I Die because Your Love Give's me Wing's To Fly  

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Inspirational quotes about confidence, love and dreams

Best inspirational love vedio

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Fact About Guys :-

 They Might Be Flirting All Day Long, But Before They Go To Sleep, They Think Abt The One They Truly Love && Care About.<3<3

^ I'll Be All Alone:-

One Day I'll Go Far Away In The Depths Of My Grave..! My Real Home.. Nobody Can Meet Me..!
I'll Be All Alone..! My Parents Would Not Be Able To Help Me..! I'll Be Afraid Of Dark..! But, Your Prayers (Dua) May Lighten My Grave..!

So, Please Do Remember Me In Your Prayers And
Forgive Me. If I Hurt You..! I Am Saying "SORRY" From Beneath Of My Heart And Soul..! Please Accept My "APOLOGY" May Be I'm Not With You Tomorrow..!! :')

- Beshram Bachha:*

"I look out of my window at night,
My eyes searching for u somewhere in the sky

The stars seem to twinkle with hope,
Hope of you coming by

I sigh waiting for the day to near,
And ask the moon to tell me why

Why? Am I so helpless without you
My fate doesn't even let me cry

This loneliness is piercing my heart deep inside,
Without You; I just wanna die...!!!" </3 </3

#ShatteredDreamer &&Broken''LostInYourLove

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

- Iie Loved - Iie Lost - Iie Learnt ~*

- Insaan Ko Apni Ashiqui Ka Ehsaas Uski Barbaadi Ke Baad Hota Hai <|3 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

- What Ii Am ...<*

I've Spent A Lot Time - Trying To Figure Out The Real Man Inside Meh & All That Iie Was Able To Resolve Was ''NOTHING'' But BlanK.
What Iie Am ? Straight Or Confused? The Latter Iie Guess . !
Offensive Or Reserved ? The Former Iie Guess . !
Compassionate, Obsessed, Cruel . . None Iie Guess !:|

Monday, March 18, 2013

I'm Not The Best Person In Your LIfe

i'Am Nσт Tђe ßesт persσŋ iŋ yσu'r Lyf, 

i Jusт ђσpe Tђαт 0ne Dαy wђen yσu ђeAr my Nαme yσu wσulD Jusт smile & sαy,

" kucђ тσ ßααт Tђii usme " 

Nσт '' immeDiαтely '' ßuт '' Definiтely '':)

#First Love

Tђe firsт persσŋ wђσ Teαcђ yσu Tђe

meαninG σf Tђe wσrD lσve will Alsσ


Tђe firsт persσŋ wђσ Teacђe'x yσu Tђe
meαninG σf Tђe wσrD pAiŋ.... ♥

He will fiGhт wiтђ Tђe wσrlD Only for you

# Tђe persσŋ wђσ lσve'x yσu Mσre,

will fiGђт wiтђ yσu Dαily,
wiтђσuт Any reαsσŋ


wђenever yσu're sαD..:'<
ђe will fiGђт wiтђ Tђe wσrlD
тσ enD yσur sαDness...<'3 <'3

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Don't [ Love ] Me Too Much <'#

Dσŋ’т cαre sσ mucħ fσr me..i mαy Geт useD тσ iт..Dσŋ’т

cσme sσ ŋeαr тσ me..i mαy ŋσт ße αßle тσ Deтαcħ frσm
iт..Dσŋ’т puт sσ mucħ fαiтħ iŋ me..i mαy ŋσт ße αßle тσ
ħAŋDle iт..Dσŋ’т ßecσme A pαrт σf my lyf..cσz ωiтħσuт
yσu..i ωσŋт ße αßle тσ live iт..Dσŋ’т mαke me fαll fσr
yσu..i mαy ŋσт ße αßle тσ fαll σuт σf iт..Dσŋ’т cσme iŋтσ
my lyf..if yσu ħαve тσ leαve σne Dαy..Dσŋ’т Give me тħe
ħσpe..тħαт iт'x fσrever..yσu Are GσnŋA sтαy..cσz lσve is
Aŋ emσтiσŋ..i ωσŋт ße αßle тσ ħiDe..ωħeŋ lσve isŋт
reтurneD wiтħ lσve..iт ħurт'x Deep Dσωŋ iŋsiDe..Dσŋ’т
sтαrт sσmeтħinG..тħαт i ωσŋт ße αßle тσ enD..Dσŋ’т
mαke me ßelieve..тħαт yσu cAŋ ße mσre тħAŋ A
frnD..cσz Aт тħe enD σf iт αll..i Dσŋ’т ωAŋт тσ ħeαr yσu
тħαт..” i Am sσrry..ßuт i ŋever felт тħe sαme ωαy ! ”